Friday, August 21, 2009

:: Song Recordings - SAAHASHI (Action Movie) ::

Song recording of Nepali Movie named "SAAHASHI" has finished. This film is going to make by Bhoj Bahadur Gurung who is a renowend Director & Producer from Pokhara. The lyrics & music are by Loknath Sapkota & the songs are sung by Rajesh Payel Rai, Anju Panta, Anjana Gurung, Loknath Sapkota & Shanti Priya Nanu.

The press conference was done at Platinum Recordings Studio to give more informations about the movie by the producer Bhoj Bahadur Gurung on Thursday, 20 August 2009. The gernalists, singers, singress & musicians were gathered at that time. Singer Rajesh Payel Rai expressed his thought about the musician is new for him though he was impressed with the talent of his musical art. Similarly, singress Anju Panta & Anjana Gurung did openly praise of his lyrics & music.

There are four songs in the film. The three songs are very romantic among of them. The Chudka song which is very famous in the western region, is included in the film. This type of song is included in the movie to preserve the Nepali culture as well as to inform the cultures for those who have been staying in abroad said by producer Bhoj Bahadur Gurung. The film is going to make in the banner of Munal Film Pvt. Ltd. & the direction is by Basudev Pokhrel. The artists are Rajesh Hamal, Bhoj Bahadur Gurung, Ganesh Upreti, Sneha Sharma, Sharmila Shrestha, Gopal Man. SAAHASHI is the Action movie which is going to shoot from 23 August 2009(Bhadra 7, 2066 BS) informed to by Bhoj Bahadur Gurung. "Brave man can success" is the main theme of the movie. 90% shooting will be taken in the famouse tourism city of Nepal, Pokhara where as the rest part will be shooted in the hilly area.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Donation Fund NPR 135,000 handed over to Flood & Landslide Victime by Hamro Khuri Hongkong(बाडी पहिरो पिडितलाई हाम्रो खुरी हंकङ्गले रु १३५००० हस्तान्तरण)

The donation amount collected by Hamro Khuri (Hong Kong) has handed over to victims of Flooding & Landslide in a program at Ramadi Village, Kaski on Friday, 14 August 2009.

Vitims Mr. Sim Bahadur Gurung inhabitant of Ward No-8, Margyangkot of Deurali VDC, Kaski, Mrs. Deu Maya Bhujel inhabitant of Ward No-5, Aarushwonra of Thaprek VDC, Tanahun & Mr. Dambar Bahadur Gurung inhabitant of Ward No-5, Katipipal of Thaprek VDC recieved NPR 60,000.00, NPR 60,000.00 & NPR 15,000.00 respectively. The donation amount was handed over to victims by Dhan Raj Gurung inhabitant of Ward No-7, Ramadi of Deurali VDC, Kaski in the program.Deep hertfelt condolence to died personel in the landslide. The incident was held on 2 July 2009.View Photos>>Major Dal Bahadur Gurung(Ramadi), Dhan Raj Gurung(Ramadi), Min Raj Gurung(Thaprek), Surya Bahadur Gurung(Thaprek), Rudra Raj Gurung(Katipipal) were the speakers in the program. The chairman of the program was Dhan Raj Gurung & the program was run by Bhavishwor Gurung(Ramadi).

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

कलामा रमाउँदै कला

'कला' भनेर चिन्छन् सवैले उनलाई । उनी नाच्नमा निक्कै खप्पिस छन् । कला भएरै होला अन्ततः विद्यार्थी जीवनको छविकला गुरुङवाट अन्ततः उनको नाम कला मात्रै रन गयो । उनी अहिले लमजुङ सदरमुकाम वेसीशहरस्थित जन विकास उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालयमा कक्षा १० मा पढि्छन् ।

२०४९ साल कार्तिकमा खुदी गाउँ विकास समिति वडा नं. ९ सिउरुङमा बाबा नन्द घले र आमा मिश्रीमाया घलेको कोखवाट माईली छोरीको रुपमा जन्मिएकी कलाले निमावि तहको अध्यनन भने गाउँकै लता कुञ्ज निमाविमा गरेकी हुन् । गाउँवाट विद्यालय टाढा परेकै कारण सदरमुकाम आएर पढ्न बाध्य कलाले शहरबजारका स्टेजमा आफ्नो धेरै कला प्रस्तुत गरिसकेकीछन् । वेसीशहर र आसपासका बजारमा भएका कार्यक्रममा उनको नृत्य देख्न नपाएपछि दर्शकहरु खिन्न हुन्छन् । सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम हुने वित्तिकै उनको नाम पुकार्छन् दर्शकहरुले ।

मेलापात जाँदा होस् या गोठालो जाँदा । रेडियोमा नाच्ने खालका गीत आउने वित्तिकै सवैकाम छाडेर नाच्ने गरेकी गाउँले बालिका अहिले सदरमुकाम वेसीशहर लगायत लमजुङ र वरपरका जिल्लाहरुमा प्रख्यात कलाकारको नामले चिनिन्छ । आफ्नो कला देखाउन लमजुङका ग्रामीण क्षेत्रबाहेक हिमालपारिको जिल्ला मनाङ समेत पुगेकीछन् । पर्यटकीय गाउँ सिउरुङस्थित पर्यटन ब्यवस्थापन उप-समितिका सचिव उमरबहादुर गुरुङ कला नै सिउरुङ महोत्सवको आकर्षाको एक पात्र भएको वताउँछन् । भन्छन्, 'महोत्सवमा कला नपुगे महोत्सव जस्तै लाग्दैन ।' कलाको नृत्य हेर्नका लागि भनेपनि टाढाटाढाबाट पर्यटक आउने र आन्तरिक पर्यटन प्रवर्द्धनमा सहयोग पुगेको गुरुङको भनाई छ । १७ वषिर्या कलाको वास्तविक नाम कला घले हो । नाच्नुको अलाव भ्रमण, अध्ययन र अभिनयलाई विशेष चासको रुपमा लिन्छन् उनी । उनको चासो र उद्देश्यका कारण पछिल्लो पटक गुरुङ भाषाको चलचित्र 'आक्रोदो' मा पनि उनले अभिनय गरेकीछन् । 'समयले साथ दिएमा नृत्य र अभिनयलाई साथसाथै लैजान्छु' उनको भनाई छ ।

विना कसैको प्रेरणाविना कलाले नाचेरै धेरै प्रख्यातिहरु कमाएकाछन् । तमु छोँज धिँ लमजुङले गतवर्षआयोजना गरेको खुल्ला नृत्य प्रतियोगितामा उनले प्रथम स्थान हासिल गरेकीहुन् । विद्यालयस्तरमा गरिने नृत्य प्रतियोगितामा उनले धेरैपटक प्रथमस्थान हासिल गरिसकेकीछन् । नाच्नकै लागि लमजुङका पर्यटकीय गाउँहरुमा पुगेका कलाले गाउँलेको मायाका साथै धेरै मानसम्मान पनि पाएकीछन् । उनी आफ्नो पर्ढाई पुरा भएपछि लक्ष्य प्राप्तिका लागि डटेर लाग्ने वताउँछिन् । उनको लक्ष्य भविश्यमा कुशल नृत्यकार तथा कलाकार बन्ने छ ।

नृत्यमा देखिएका आधुनिकतालाई उनी मन पर्दैन । उनलाई सांस्कृतिम पहिरन मन पर्छ । विद्यालय पोशाकबाहेक उनी प्रायः आफ्नो मातृ ड्रेस गुरुङ पोशाकामा भेटिन्छन् । आधुनिकताका नाउँ बेचेर आफ्नो शरीर नढाक्ने लुगा लाउने युवतीहरुलाई आफ्नो राष्ट्रियता सम्भिmन उनी आग्रह गर्छिन् । विदेशी कलाप्रति उनको वितृष्णा छ । त्यसैले त कला, कला देखाउँदै, कला बचाउँदै हिँडेकीछन् ।

written by Ash Gurung 'Pratik" source:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Devasting Landslide @ Thulopandhera[पहिरोले घर बयाउंदा छ जनाको घटनास्थलमै मृत्यु]

I woke up at 7:00 PM due to the rington of my mobile. It was the phone of Tirtha Gurung from Ramadi. He was telling that was I known the news of Ramadi, made me suck thinking what happened at Ramadi. Asking with him, then got to know that the house of Mr. Sim Bahadur Gurung, inhabitant of Ward No-8, Thulopandero, Margyangkot of Deurali VDC, Kaski, was burried in the landslide caused by heavy rainfall in the early morning at 2:30 AM on 2 July 2009. Three people were killed in the accident. They were Mangali Gurung (80 years old), Soni Gurung (25 years old) & Purnima Gurung(one & Half year). The landslide was about 400 meters long in length.
Similarly, three personel were killed in the landslide accident at Thaprek-5, in the same night. They were 40 years old of Krishna Bahadur Bhujel, his wife of 35 years old of Bhagawati & daughter at the age of 11 years Sima Bhujel.
I went to Ramadi by catching Taal Bus that leaves for Polyang from Pokhara at 1:00 PM thinking the situations created over there due to devasting accident. The bus crossed different locations. The bus got jammed in the starting point of Deurali hill at Phedi. The rural motor way was covered by mud & clay. The bus difficultly climbed up to Deurali. I was in hurry to see the accident area & reached there at 6:30 PM only. I saw lots of landslide on the way from Deurali to Ramadi motor way blucking the way. The situation of Thulopandhera was really terrible. The large landslide came from the bottom of Kalika Temple that is about more than 400 meters long in length. Next small landslide came from above of the house of Sim Bahadur Gurung, burried the house & killed three persons in the spot. People were gathered there from 4:00 PM to rescue according to local people.
Due to heavy rainfall in the same night, 15 households are displaced at Deurali Phedi, Kaski. Due to the Dotelled Kuna stream got heavy flooded & erosion of the bank of the stream, the houses are in danger by the flood. Immediate actions to be taken by the concerned body over there.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A STUDY GROUP OF KOHLA SONTHAR [ तमुहरुको पितृस्थलको अध्ययन अवलोकन तथा भ्रमण सम्पन्न ]

"KOHLA SOTHAR" is an ancetor place of Gurungs many decade of years before. Kohla Sothar is situated in southern east slope of Mt. Annapurna II at the altitude of 3,260 meteres height from the sea level. Gurungs came from Mangolia through Tibet & started to live over there at the time of hunting. It is not declared that how many years ago were the Gurungs had started to live there. A study Group of 30-35 personel including General Secretary of The National Council House of Tamu (Tamu Hyula Chhojdhin Tamu Rastriya Parisad) Resham Gurung, Rita Gurung(Representative of NTV), Lecture Delman Gurung leaded by Dr. Jagman Gurung, Lt. Indra Bahadur Gurung(chairperson of TPLS).

15 represantatives groups of Tamu Pye Lhu Sangh Paure Branch had also visited Kohla Sothar in the leadership of Chairperson Gagan Singh Gurung, Vice Chairperson Ran Bahadur Gurung & Secretary Pam Bahadur Gurung. The team had visited with the co-ordination of Tamu Hyul Chhojdhin.

There is a big round stone above small two stones which was used to inform all the members of that place. It is found that very surpring stone. There were about 70 to 80 relic of buildings found in the south direction. The trees have grown in that place. It is guessed that that building was used for conference. A stone is found there which might be used to tied up the horses. A relic of a house is found there which was used by Gurung priests. There are many traditional materials can be viewed. Such as Dhiki, jhanto, Okhal & there is a small stream near by the place where water mill is found. The water was carried there by making a small canel from from a stream.

According to investigation group of students of Cambrigde University UK, It is guessed that Gurung people left Kohla Sothar before 1200 years ago.

For more informations with the photographs, please visit the website

:: PAI of Late Ujir Singh Pahchyu Tamu - Ramadi [स्व। उजिर िसंह प्हच्यु तमुको पय सम्पन्न] ::

The PAI(According to a typical Gurung Culture & Tradition) of Late Ujir Singh Pahchyu Tamu(Gurung ) has been successfully done at Deurali-7, Ramadi, Kaski according to a Gurung Tradition & culture from 26-28 February 2009.

Paindi(Gurung Priest) Mr. Karna Bahadur TU Tamu who declared the time table to start Mhonsi Kila Kyoba, Aalan Pho Tahba, Alan Kyoba, Rihi Kinhba, Quewchhaba, Aalan Paaba, Chai Pinba on 24 Feb 2009. It is called SHINGARA DALEBA in Gurung Language.

Followings personel were present in the PAI:

S.N. Name of Personel Address Relation
1. Sita Maya Kromchhai(Pahchyu) Lamshwonra Daughter
2. Panchu Maya Prumai (Pahcyu) Bhirchwok ""
3. Sudipa Pahcyu Ramadi ""
4. Mangali Kohola (Pahchyu) Ramadi, Kaski e.Sister
5. Seti Maya Murmai (Pahchyu) Sainik Basti y. Sister
6. Aiti Maya Kromchhai (Pahcyu) Gagan Gaunda ""
7. Til Bahadur Kohola Ramadi Sister-in-Law
8. Sub. Resham Lal Murmain Sainik Basti ""
9. Tek Bahadur Kromchhai Gagan Gaunda ""
10. Devi Sara Pohklo (Kohola) Kotre, Tanahun Niece
11. Ash Maya Chamru (Kohola) Dulegaunda ""
12. Buddhibir Chamru "" ""
13. Yam Bahadur Kohola Ramadi Nephew
14. Santosh Kumar Kromchhai Gagan Gaunda ""
15. Mandhu (Kromchhai) "" Niece
16. Kabita Lehnge (Kromchhai) Rapakot,Syangja ""
17. Kopila Tu (Kromchhai) Margyang Kot ""
18. Jem. Sher Bahadur Tu "" Mother's Bro
19. Jem. Sher Bahadur Tu "" Clehpri
20. Karna Bahadur Tu "" Paindi
21. Bhoj Raj Kohla Archale Tanahun Pachyu
22. Pahal Singh Pahchyu Ramadi, Kaski TahBhai
23. Hom Bahadur Kohla Ramadi, Kaski Store Keeper
24. Man Bahadur Kromchhai "" ""
25. Ramadi Tamu Samaj "" Villagers
26. Ramadi Women Group "" ""

Note: The photographs of the PAI can be viewed by clicking on the following links:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The director of the film is Bhoj Bahadur Gurung, Story/Producer: Lil Gurung, Lyric / Music: Dhakendra Gurung, Production Controller: Kubina Gurung, Cinematography / Editor: Khim Gurung.

Shooting Start: from 8 May 2009

Shooting Spots: Siurung Village, Lamjung
Siurung village is situated in the southern slope of Himchuli Himalay Ranges, at an altitude of 1854 meters above seas level. There are 134 house holds among them 128 & 7 house holds are Gurung & Dalit respectively. Mt. Himchuli, Mt. Manasalu range, Mt. Dr. Harka Peak(NGANDI PEAK), Mt. Buddha, Marshyangdi river, Ngandi river & varius Gurung villages can be viewed clearly from Siurung village, Lamjung.
The shooting unit of AAKRODO film arrived at Sirurung village, Lamjung on May 7, 2009. Shooting Unit was welcomed by Jana Bikash Ama Samunha, Shila Devi Youth Club & villagers with Khada & Tika.

Mr. Nanda Ghale(Chairman of Shila Devi Youth Club, Siurung) inaurgurated the AAKRODO film by pressing on the button of Movie Camera in the premise of Shila Devi temple on Thursday, May 8, 2009. He congratulated to AAKRODO unit for the success of film telling the Gurung film would tries to visualise the cultural & ritual events of Gurung.
Mr. Bhoj Bahadur Gurung(Director of Aakrodo) told the story of the film tries to show whatever we got the problems in our life be patient until the problems solved, in the inaurguration ceremoney of AAKRODO.

GHANTU KHOI '09 GRAND SUCCESS @ RAMADI(रामादीमा घाँटु खाई २०६६ भव्यताका साथ सम्पन्न)

The GHANTU KHOI 2066('09) has successfully held at Ramadi on 5, 6 June 2009(i.e. 22/23 Jestha 2066 BS). The Ramadi Tamu Samaj has been concerntrating to preserve the cultures which are found in Gurung communities. There are so many types of cultural events such as Ghantu Dance, Chudka Dance, Sorathi / Krishna Charitra Dance, Dohori, Theater etc. The Ghantu Dance has been successfully performed at Ramadi in this year too. The ending point of Ghantu Dance is Ghantu Khoi which is famouse in the Gurung communities & The Ramadi Tamu Samaj doesn't lose this culture till now as well as will try to preserve such cultures.

There were three villages as the guests. The Chudka groups of these villages made the programme romantic. The Ramadi village remained pleasure during the Ghantu Khoi 2066.

The following villages were participated in the party:

#01. Baspani, Mirlung, Tanahun (19 personel from that village & had travelled 9 hrs
long way on foot to join in Ghantu Khoi @ Ramadi, 1st Time visited)

#02. Pathra, Tanahun (40 Personel joined in the Ghantu Khoi & 2nd Time visited)

#03. Thaprek, Tanahun (20 personel joined in the Ghantu Khoi & more than 4th time

GHANTU PARTY '09 @ MIRLUNG BASPANI, TANAHUN(मिर्लुङ बाँसपानीमा घाँटु खाई २०६६ सम्पन्न)

When I was busy in my office, my mobile phone rang. It was the phone of Buddhi Pahchyu from Baspani. He was asking me to go there to participate in the Ghantu Khoi with my villagers organized by Baspani Tamu Samaj held from 29 to 30 May 2009.

I was thinking to go there then made phone call to Tirtha Kohla Tamu in his mobile no
9746028910 telling him we(Ramatike) was invited by Baspani Tamu Samaj to join in the
Ghantu Khoi 2066. He told me that the people of Ramadi Gaun were being going to Thaprek & the program had set for that. Then I decided that well I will go to Baspani to join in the Ghantu Party & you people go to Thaprek. I will do whatever I can.

We(myself, my wife Dhan Maya) took bus for Damauli at 9:30 AM from Chipledhunga, my sis Sudipa Pahchyu was picked up from Gagangaunda then we were excited for the journey. We reached Damauli at 11:30 AM & made phone call to sis. Bishnu who was about to go with us. Unfortunately, we could not catch the bus for Pokharichhap from Damauli because of no seats in the bus. Then we rushed to Dumre, Tanahun from where we had to catch the bus for Baspani. We moved from there at 1:30 PM. The bus travelled the different locations then reached at 5:00PM. Meet with relatives as well as the villagers of Baspani.

On 30th May 2009, Bishnu, Dhan Maya, Sudipa & me climbed up to the top peak of Mirlung Kot where the king of 22/24 rulled over there. The different locations can be viewed from there. The Chudka group from neighbouring villages started to come Baspani then started to paly Chudka songs with dances with the beating of Khainjadi.

There were eleven groups of Chudka in the Ghantu Khoi @ Baspani, Mirlung, Tanahun. They were:

#01. Tutepani
#02. Basantapur
#03. Pokharichhap
#04. Chhapthok
#05. Pulimarayang
#06. Phedi
#07. Paishownra

The village was full of music of Chudka during the party. The party was successfully

on 31 May 2009, we (Myself, Dhan Maya, Sudipa) returned back to Damauli by bus from
Pokharichhap, Tanahun with bros. Bijay & Surendra & sis. Bishnu. We arrived at 10.30 AM at Damauli then had food at Bishnu's resident. Dhan Maya , Sudipa & Myself returned back to Pokhara from there & arrived at 5:00 PM. The body was so tired of walking & dancing the Chudka dance.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ramadi Kohla Pabitra Museum[रामादी क्होला पवित्र संग्रहालय] - Established

RAMADI KOHLA TAMU has established a Ramadi Kohla Pabitra Museum[रामादी क्होला पवित्र संग्रहालय] at Ramadi-7, Deurali VDC of Kaski district, Nepal to preserve the language, religion, tradition & culture which has been followed from ancestor.

"Establishing the museum is an example among the Gurungs as well as highly appriciable work" told by the speakers during the inaurguration of museum.

The RAMADI KOHLA PABITRA MUSEUM has established by Major Dal Bahadur Tamu at Ramadi-7 of Deurali VDC, Kaski in 2008. The statue of his late mother Pabitra Kohla Tamu has established in the premise of museum as memorial of his mother. The museum was inaurgurated by Mrs. Mansari Pohklo Tamu on Saturday, April 18, 2009.

President of Tamu Pyelhu Sangh(central committee) Lt. Indra Bahadur Kepchhai Tamu, President of Pachyu Kul Prasad Tamu, Major Bhupal Tamu, Sub. Kehar Singh Tamu, Capt. Gopal Tamu, Lt. Gau Prasad Tamu were present in inaurguration program. The chairman of the program was Nil Bahadur Tamu, welcome speach by Dhan Raj Tamu & brief speach about the museum by Major Dal Bahadur Tamu.

Note: You may read the news in the website

"AAKRODO" आक्रोदा - tears shouldn't stop the problem...

"AAKRODO" आक्रोदा - tears shouldn't stop the problem...

AAKRODO(आक्रोदा), A Gurung film based on the Gurung language, culture & tradition is a 4th production of Munal Film Pvt. Ltd.

The songs of AAKRODO are being recording in Namaste Pokhara Digital Recording Studio at Pokhara, Nepal.

There are three songs all together in this film. All the songs are composed & music given by Dhakendra Gurung & the songs are sung by Narjung Gurung & Madhu Gurung. The music are arranged by Amar Gurung.

The story & producer is Lil Gurung, Cinematorgrapher & Editor is Khim Gurung. The direction of the film by Bhoj Bahadur Gurung.

Monday, April 13, 2009

2nd Day of Tangting Festival 2009

Due to tired of heavy walking in yesterday, I could weak up at 7:00 AM only. After getting freshed, Gunja & me went to village looking the houses of the village. First time, I could see the Mt. Annapurna II closely from Tangting. Tangting is located at the bottom of Mr. Annapurna. Sikles(largest Gurung Village), Parche & Khilang closely from there.

Nepalese Folk Singer Milan Lama was singing songs in Tangting Festival 2009.

We were welcomed at noon by giving a peace of Rhododendron flower & Khada by the member of Tangting Youth Club in the 2nd day of the festival. People from the same village & neighbouring villages(Sikles, Parche, Khilang, Gyabrang, Taprang) gathered to see & listen the Dohori songs as well as pop song from Milan Lama, Jyoti Thapa Magar & Roj Moktan respectively. The premise of Tangting Youth Club where the Tangting Festival was held, were full of audiences dancing in the songs sang by the artists. The songs made Chief Guests as well as the audiences dance during the period telling once more.

For more informations, please do visit the site

Journey to Tangting Festival 2009!

My mobile was rang. It was a call of Mr. Bhoj Bahadur Gurung who is a young director of Gurung Films. He was telling me to visit his village from 28 March 2009 to 30 March 2009(Chaitra 15 to 17 2065) to attend in Tangting Festival 2009. I was so excited to visit Tangting Village. I always wish to visit Gurung villages where I could have learned about the Tamu culture, tradition.

I went to D'Village Restaurant & Bar inside of Shiva Tara Complex where the Studio of Munal Film P. Ltd runed by Bhoj Gurung is also located in the same building as I was stated by Bhoj to be there. All the members of the group gathered at 8:00 AM. Mr. Bhoj had introduced all the members with each other. There were popular Nepalese Folk Singer Milan Lama, Singeress Jyoti Thapa Magar & pop singer Roj Moktan in the team. Beside these there were two gernalists from Kantipur Television were Pradip Kanspal(a tv program producer) & cameramen Murary Ghimire. Mr. Jitesh Pradhan & Kans Gurung (reporters & Photographer) of Likewise, Gunja Gurung(cinematographer of Gurung Film), Bhoj Gurung, Kubina Gurung(Producer of a Gurung Film "SHAIN NHORBAI MRUSHYOUN"). We had breakfast there & moved to our desitnation by Landrover Ga 1 Cha 3292 from Chipledhunga, Pokhara at 9:00 AM.

The jeep had crossed Mahendrapool, Ranipauwa, Kaunhunkhola, Kaseri. The jeep crossed the Vijayapur River then started to move up the hill. From the top hill, the jeep moved down & reached at Chhan Shun which is situated along the side of Mandi River. We had the tea & taken some photographs.

The artists Milan Lama, Roj Moktan & Jyoti Thapa Magar are very frank. during the travelling, they started to tell some jokes that made the travel unforgetable & made close each other. All, we were curius to reach Tangting Village.

After crossing the Mandi river, we got off passing about 2 Km way then climbed up taking the bags.

While climbing up to the hill, we didn't feel bore as well as difficulties due to lots of jokes that made us laughing. We could see the welcome gate at the entrance of Tangting Village. after then I could have seen the Board written "TANGTING VILLAGE TWINNED WITH DEBDEN & WIMBIS ESSEX UK" ON 23 October 2008. There are Chandi & Deurali along the way. We could see the Chandi Deurali in the most of the Gurung villages.

We were taken to a house where we got welcomed sitting over Radi above GHUNDRI around kitchen with the fire & had some foods. Giving our introduction to villagers. Then we were taken to another house where we got introduction with the Chief Guest of Tangting Festival 2009. Her name was Tina Night(Honorary President of Tangting Twining Association, UK), MS. Laxmi Sharma(First Nepalese Lady Tempo Driver & Successfull Nepalese Women in the Industrial Area) & Mr. Tarka Jung Gurung(Member of TTA). The artists sang a dohori song there & made the guest dance. Unfortunately, we could not reach at the premise of Tangting Youth Club on time in the inaurguration function.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


The Tangting Festival 2009 has successfully finished on Monday, March 17, 2009 (2065 Chaitra 17) at Tangting Village which is situated in Namarjung VDC of Kaski. The festival was started from 28 to30 March 2009(2065 Chaitra 15, 16 & 17 B.S.). The program was organized by Tangting Youth Club, Tangting.

During the festival, different cultural programs were performed by the artists of Tangting Youth Club as well as the different events of the games were played. More than 10 thousand visitors had looked the festival.
The Following winner of the games are given below:-

Following Team had won the PRIZE as follows:


FIRST United Team Bagar, Pokhara
SECOND Sikles Youth Club Sikles, Kaski Volley Ball


FIRST Tangting A Tangting Kaski
SECOND Tangting B Tangting, Kaski

Nepalese folk singer Milan Lama, Jyoti Thapa Magar & Nepalese Pop singer Roj Moktan had entertained to audience singing the songs in the festival. Like wise dancer Khem Gurung & local artists of Tangting Youth Club had performed typical Gurung cultural dances in the festival.

The chief guest, Chairman of Tangting Twining Village Association, UK, District Counselor Tina Night had distributed Trouphy, medals & Appriciation Certificate to the players of winning team in the different events.

The chief guest of the festival, chairman of Tangting Twining Village Association UK, District Counselor Tina Night, First Nepalese women tempo driver or Successfull Nepalese Women professional in the industrial Mrs. Laxmi Sharma & the member of Tangting Twining Village Association UK Mr. Tarka Jung Gurung promised to help development of tourism, sports, health & development in the various sectors of village.

The chairman of Tangting Youth Club Kumar Gurung had given thanks a lots to chief guest, guests, gernalists & organizations helping to success the Tangting Festival 2009.

Note: You may see the photographs of the Tangting Festival 2009 in the website

Pai of Late Ujir Singh Pahchyu Tamu

The PAI(According to a typical religious , Culture & Tradition of Tamu) of Late Ujir Singh Pahchyu Tamu(Gurung ) has been successfully done at Deurali-7, Ramadi, Kaski according to a Gurung Tradition & culture from 26-28 February 2009.

Paindi(Gurung Priest) Mr. Karna Bahadur TU Tamu who declared the time table to start Mhonsi Kila Kyoba, Aalan Pho Tahba, Alan Kyoba, Rihi Kinhba, Quewchhaba, Aalan Paaba, Chai Pinba on 24 Feb 2009. It is called SHINGARA DALEBA in Gurung Language.